DOT to Present Manhattan Bridge Plans to CB 3 Tonight

From Transportation Alternatives: 

Tonight the DOT will be presenting their plans for improved Manhattan Bridge bike access via the Chrystie Street bike lane to Community Board 3. This plan is going to involve the removal of parking along Chrystie Street, so it is anticipated that there will be resistance at the Community Board level.

It would be great to have supportive cyclists in the room. The details are as follows:

What: CB 3 Transportation Committee Meeting on Chrystie Street Bike Lane

When: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 6:30 PM

Where: Confucius Plaza, Community Room – 33 Bowery (at Bayard Street)

The Manhattan Bridge is the second busiest East River crossing for NYC cyclists. From 2005-2006 (most recent counts), the Manhattan Bridge saw a 90.3% increase in daily cycling trips (829-1,578). As the numbers of cyclists continue to grow, so will daily crossing over this vital connector between Manhattan & Brooklyn.

Chrystie Street is one of the most common routes for cyclists commuting to and from Brooklyn on the Manhattan Bridge. It is also a ‘through’ and ‘local’ truck route. (

According to the City’s Bicyclist Fatalities and Serious Injuries Report, 1996-2005, trucks are twice as deadly to cyclists as regular vehicles, even SUVs. The same study found that of all the fatalities between those years, only one occurred in a bike lane.

T.A.’s highlights the need for traffic calming and improved design on Chrystie Street as well.

A bike lane along Chrystie Street is a necessary safety measure for cyclists and for pedestrians. This plan will also involve many pedestrian treatments along this dangerous corridor. The number of people the bike and pedestrian improvements will serve far outweighs the number of people who will impacted by any loss in car parking.