Best View Yet of Potential Transit Improvements

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Together at last: Pre-congestion pricing short-term transit enhancements and MTA capital projects in one map! The graphic comes courtesy of the Regional Plan Association, which made the map for an insert touting pricing [PDF] placed in the Legislative Gazette this Monday by Environmental Defense, TWU Local 100, and the Straphangers Campaign. This is what’s at stake in Monday’s City Council vote.


Does Cuomo Plan to Leave Straphangers Holding the Bag?

There’s been a lot of noise so far this week about toll reform and the MTA funding gap, but the people who can actually do something about it remain conspicuously silent. Chief among them: Governor Andrew Cuomo. Things kicked off on Monday with a dire warning from Robert Foran, the MTA’s chief financial officer. He told board members that […]

Gov. Spitzer Transition Team Transpo Committee Named

It includes some leading members of the congestion charging brainstrust and some big MTA reformers. Via Chuck Bennett at AMNY: Co-chairs Elliot Sander, director of NYU Rudin Center for Transportation, VP at MTA contractor DMJM Harris and former city Dept. of Transporation commisioner. (Rumored to an MTA chairman candidate) Mary Ann Crotty, former transportation advisor for […]

Ads Pitch Pricing Benefits to Transit-Taking Majority

 With the March 31 deadline to qualify for $354M in federal transit funds approaching, the Campaign for New York’s Future and the Empire State Transportation Alliance have rolled out an ad campaign to get the public behind congestion pricing. The three print ads and one TV spot, sponsored by Environmental Defense, direct their audience to […]

PlanNYC’s Public Political Push Starts Today

From a press release that just came across the Streetsblog transom: Leading members of the Campaign for New York’s Future, a broad coalition of 80 environmental, public health, civic, labor, community and business organizations, will today join Mayor Bloomberg in separate meetings with Governor Eliot Spitzer and State legislators to help call attention to the […]