Times Poll Finds 20 Council Members Against Pricing

Last week the New York Times conducted an informal survey of City Council member positions on congestion pricing. The poll found that 12 members are currently in favor, 20 are opposed, and 11 are undecided. Eight members did not respond.

The "opposed" list is comprised completely of council members from boroughs other than Manhattan, with the exception of Alan Gerson. Last August Gerson was counted as a pricing opponent in a Gotham Gazette poll, but a subsequent statement said the Lower Manhattan council member "supports appropriate variations of congestion pricing as part of a broader traffic management plan." How does that translate to a "no" vote today? Streetsblog has a message in with Gerson’s office in hopes of finding out.

That Gotham Gazette poll, by the way, found 20 members in support or "leaning for" congestion pricing. Whatever happened to those eight votes, it looks like Mayor Bloomberg has his work cut out for him if the plan is to clear the council, at least in its most recent form. As it stands, Jersey toll credits and free parking for hybrid car owners are just two potential snags.

The Times’ complete roll call follows the jump.