Weiner Says Pricing Shows “Stunning Political Naivete”

The Daily Politics reports that Congressman Anthony Weiner is ramping up for an imminent mayoral bid by crediting Michael Bloomberg with "put[ting] the last nail in the coffin to the notion that New York City is ungovernable." But at the same time, during an appearance at Kingsborough Community College today, Weiner tried to score points off congestion pricing by framing it as a plan that an experienced politician like himself would steer clear of.

Weiner, who opposes the plan to charge cars $8 to enter Manhattan during peak hours, said the only reason the U.S. Department of Transportation wants to give New York City $350 million to start a congestion pricing pilot program is so it can eventually wiggle out of funding mass transit entirely.

"This is where it matters that you have a certain amount of political acumen," Weiner said. "The moment we have $200 million in revenue … I’m going to be hearing from colleagues in Washington, ‘You need $200 million less.’"

Weiner scoffed at "unelected boards and agencies" in New York, including a separate authority that would run the city’s congestion pricing plan and parcel out the money.

"You honestly believe [Senate Majority Leader] Joe Bruno is going to pass this without getting a piece of the action for Rensselaer or wherever he’s from?," Weiner said. "It shows a level of political naiveté that is stunning."