Will Congestion Pricing Make or Break Mayoral Campaigns?

While we wait to see what happens, or doesn’t happen, today in Albany, New York Magazine takes a look at four mayoral aspirants and how their positions on congestion pricing may affect their chances of succeeding Michael Bloomberg.

  • City Council Member Tony Avella: "[Avella is] an obscure pol, and attacking CP allowed him to grab attention while
    promoting his anti-tax agenda. But he may have gone around the bend,
    ranting about routine horse-trading for council members’ votes."
  • Comptroller Bill Thompson: "The city comptroller has been mildly supportive of congestion pricing, though he’s always been careful to attach caveats … Why take a bold stance on something that might never happen?"
  • City Council Speaker Christine Quinn: "[S]he used last week’s vote to demonstrate leadership on a contentious issue … Plus, wrapping her arms so tightly around CP also earned Quinn a big chit with Bloomberg…"
  • Congressman Anthony Weiner: "[I]n the campaign, he’ll cast congestion pricing as Manhattan-centric and
    elitist, like Quinn. Weiner was thrilled to see her so far out front."

And don’t forget Marty Markowitz, whose most notable contribution to the congestion pricing discussion has probably been his vehement opposition to new bridge tolls. 

On a related note, the Daily Politics reports that Deputy Mayor Kevin Sheekey issued a not-so-subtle warning on the radio this morning that state pols will be judged on where they come down, and could be supported or opposed accordingly in future races.

Whether or not the plan passes in Albany, how will congestion pricing influence your vote for the next mayor?


What Western Queens Stands to Lose Without Congestion Pricing

Queens residents crash Friday’s anti-pricing rally We’ve received several reports that Friday’s anti-pricing rally on the Queens side of the 59th Street Bridge, spearheaded by City Council Member Tony Avella, was a bust. According to our sources, of the council members slated to attend — Avella, Leroy Comrie, Melinda Katz, David Weprin "and other possible […]

Detractors Find Congestion Pricing Facts in Short Supply

  Add the Queens Chamber of Commerce to the list of pre-emptive congestion pricing foes. The chamber’s Legislative Advocacy Committee has prepped a report on the "harmful effects" of congestion pricing on businesses, and chamber members are also reportedly spreading the word. Writing in the chamber newsletter, Queensborough, QCC President Raymond J. Irrera espouses the […]

“Thums” Down and Zero Unispheres for Queens Pricing Supporters

Oppose congestion pricing and all this could be yours If Tony Avella and David Weprin and other Queens City Council members succeed in killing congestion pricing, at least Queens residents who lose out on transit improvements could take comfort in knowing that their representatives will have escaped the wrath of the Queens Civic Congress. Check […]

Parsing the Council Pricing Vote

But seriously folks, here are some quick hits from last night’s congestion pricing council victory: All ten Manhattan and seven Bronx council members voted in favor. In Brooklyn the vote was 7-9 against; Queens 5-9, and Staten Island 1-2. Eric Gioia broke with his Queens colleagues to vote in favor of pricing, proving himself no […]

Queens Pols Rally to Keep Using Gioia’s District as Their Doormat

Tony Avella, Leroy Comrie, Melinda Katz, David Weprin "and other possible members of the Queens Delegation" are holding an anti-congestion pricing rally tomorrow morning at 8:00 on the Queens side of the 59th Street Bridge, according to an e-mail from the Queens Civic Congress. Notably, Eric Gioia (right), who represents the traffic-burdened district where the […]