Bank of America: Bike + Credit Card = Freedom

If you watch much TV or spend a lot of time online (or both), chances are you’ve seen the ubiquitous Bank of America ad featuring a guy being followed around by a pretty red bike. If not, allow Bike Snob NYC to fill you in.


Notice how the youngish guy with the middle part is gazing longingly at the red bike in a shop window. The red bike is clearly a symbol of freedom and happiness. However, the red bike is obscured. This means neither the youngish guy nor his middle part can know true freedom and happiness without Bank of America’s credit card.

Here’s the next image. The bike is now in clear focus. Presumably the youngish guy has applied for and received a Bank of America credit card, most likely with an inordinately high credit limit and a correspondingly high APR. Now that he has this card, he may swipe it wantonly through his middle part, and he may purchase freedom and happiness. The ad just repeats itself shortly after this, but presumably if it continued we would see our protagonist riding away contentedly, his bisected hair flopping around Hugh Grantily in the breeze as he heads towards his next purchase.