T.A. Responds to Fidler’s Tax’n’Tunnel Pipe Dream

We probably shouldn’t be lavishing any more attention on Lew Fidler’s Tax’n’Tunnel proposal but Transportation Alternatives’ Paul Steely White fired off a pretty good, concise response to the Daily News the other day:

Instead of supporting congestion pricing, Councilman Lew
Fidler wants to impose billions of dollars in payroll taxes and dig
three new tunnels ("Tunnel visions," Nov. 13). If Fidler truly wants to
help those who rely on mass transit, he should recognize that they
don’t need tax hikes or holes in the ground, but the immediate transit
improvements that congestion pricing would provide.

Paul Steely White
Transportation Alternatives

OK, I’ll admit it. I just miss mixing it up with Fidler in the comments section. Lew, where’d ya go?


City Council Fiddles While New York City Chokes on Traffic

Brooklyn Council member Lew Fidler (above) is circulating an anti-congestion pricing resolution urging Mayor Bloomberg to oppose any form of road pricing. Fidler’s resolution appears to be a shot across the bow in preparation for the mayor’s forthcoming Long-Term Planning and Sustainability speech. Last week, Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff hinted that the speech would include […]

Lew Fidler’s 9 CARAT STONE Plan Lives!

  Move over, Ted Kheel. On the eve of the Congestion Mitigation Commission deadline to sign off on some form of congestion pricing, Lew Fidler tells the Observer he will introduce his own 9 CARAT STONE plan to his colleagues on the City Council tomorrow. The Fidler Tax’n’Tunnel proposal, for those who’ve somehow forgotten, would […]

Pricing Alternatives Fail the “Reality Test”

A side-by-side comparison of PlaNYC congestion pricing and alternatives offered by pricing opponents shows that the Bloomberg proposal is the only one that would have an immediate impact on auto traffic while improving transit. Further, the report concludes that plans put forth by Congressman Anthony Weiner, Council Member Lew Fidler, and Keep NYC Congestion Tax […]

Lew Fidler’s “9 CARAT STONE” Traffic Plan Arrives

On Saturday we received the following mysterious e-mail in the Streetsblog tips box: Subject: Plan to be Revealed to go up against Mayor’s Congestion Pricing A major announcement will soon be made that will reveal a whole new plan for how NYC will handle traffic congestion, mass transit, air pollution and land re-development.  A plan […]

Fact Check: Congestion Pricing is Not a “Regressive Tax”

One of the most oft-repeated slams against congestion pricing we heard at this week’s Congestion Mitigation Committee hearings is that congestion pricing would be a "regressive tax," an unfair burden to poorer New Yorkers. Is congestion pricing regressive? The data suggests otherwise. As the chart above shows, even in Brooklyn Council member Lew Fidler’s heavily […]

Lew Fidler Laments Impending Loss of Parking Permit

The Daily Politics’ Liz Benjamin captured this little off-the-cuff gem in her interview yesterday with Brooklyn Council member Lew Fidler. Fidler, who called the 17-member congestion pricing commission "a sham," is emerging as one of City Council’s most outspoken congestion pricing critics: "I am not retiring, but I have not decided what I’m going to […]