Stolen Bike Rescued by Online Geeks


City Room has the amusing tale of a stolen one-of-a-kind bike, recovered with the help of the Internet, an avenging bike messenger, and inspired plots involving underwear worn on the outside.

When Agata Slota’s bicycle disappeared from a spot near Union Square
one day in September, the odds were that she would never see it again.
About 60,000 bikes are stolen in New York City each year, and only 2
percent of them are recovered by their owners. Because the bike was
distinctive –- her brother had built it himself –- Ms. Slota, 27,
posted an ad and photograph on Craigslist in the hopes that someone
would notice it.

That is where it would have ended, except that a friend of Ms. Slota’s
had also posted a notice about the theft on an online chat room for
fixed-gear bike enthusiasts. Such postings are common on the chat room,
which serves mainly as a place for, in the words of one regular user,
“geeking out over fancy bike parts.” Weeks later, someone posted a
response after spotting Ms. Slota’s bicycle locked up outside a
Quizno’s in Midtown. This set off a flurry of messages that continued
for weeks and, eventually, led to Ms. Slota getting her bike back.

Photo via City Room


The Story of Sholom’s Stolen Bike

Sholom and his beloved bike Midwood residents beware: a bike thief is on the loose! Transportation Alternatives Brooklyn Committee member Sholom has a heartening and illuminating tale of the recent theft and recovery of his bicycle near the Kings Highway subway station. With the aid of the police, his laptop, a local restaurant owner, and […]

Is It Impossible to Track Down a Stolen Bike?

This is a nice change of pace from all those evening news segments about how to beat parking tickets (some of which may have been written by this road-raging sociopath). Howard Thompson, of "Help Me Howard" fame, filed an item on last night’s PIX news about how hard it is to get the police to […]

Why Does Bike Theft Persist? Because There’s No Enforcement

Here’s some Labor Day weekend reading on one of New York’s vexing problems: bike theft, which, is up 25 percent over last year. As of July, 1,694 bikes were reported stolen this year, according to the NYPD, which encourages bike owners to have their frames etched with identifying codes. Actual thefts are likely much higher than the […]

Brian Lehrer’s Bike Stolen — How Should He Lock Up His Next Ride?

Via the Facebook news service (subscription required), WNYC’s morning radio host reports that thieves have spirited away his bicycle, and he’s thinking about how to secure his next ride. If you’re Brian Lehrer’s Facebook friend, you can now follow what promises to be an encyclopedic discussion of bicycle locking. Do we sense an opening on […]