Free Bike Helmet Giveaway

Councilmember Jessica Lappin is hosting a free bicycle helmet giveaway today. New York City Department of Transportation officials will be there to fit each individual with a free bike helmet. Please attend this event and tell your friends and family!


This Week in Livable Streets Events

It’s a quiet week on the calendar, highlighted by Sunday’s Tour de Bronx. History buffs may also consider stopping by the New York City Transit Museum on Sunday for a look back at the last day of the Myrtle Avenue El, which departed Borough Hall for the final time in October 1969. Wednesday: Transportation Alternatives […]

Wolfson: Sponsor of Mandatory Helmet Bill Is No Friend of Cyclists

In case you missed it yesterday, City Council Member David Greenfield was bombarded in the Twitterverse after the Wall Street Journal reported that he plans to introduce a mandatory bike helmet law. (Streetsblog joined the fray with enthusiasm.) City Hall is also having none of it. Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson shot down the helmet law […]