No Vote on Stadium Deal by Bronx Borough Board

We wrote a couple weeks back that one of the problems with the new Yankee Stadium parking subsidy deal is that the Bronx Borough Board has yet to vote on it — perhaps because board members, along with the borough president himself, are still waiting for information on the project from the Industrial Development Agency.

The Bronx Borough Board was expected to take up the stadium parking issue today, but Streetsblog has received word that it was not on the agenda after all. Though this will presumably affect the scheduling of an IDA vote to issue the $225 million in tax exempt bonds sought to finance construction of three stadium parking garages, an article in today’s Sun — referring to the complex as  "the most expensive baseball park ever built" — quotes a Yankees rep who says the project is proceeding as planned.

The Yankees have refused to provide interviews with those involved in the construction of the new stadium. A spokeswoman for the Yankees, Alice McGillion, said, "We are on schedule with construction, on budget, and fully expect to be operational and ready for opening day 2009."


Vote Postponed on Yankees Parking Subsidy

In an unusual move, the board of the New York City Industrial Development Agency (IDA) this morning postponed a vote on whether to issue tax-free bonds for parking facilities at the new Yankee Stadium. At a hearing last week, residents of the South Bronx, along with public advocates, protested the $225 million triple tax exempt […]

Bronx Boro Prez Issues Protest at Yankees Parking Hearing

This morning a representative of Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion, Jr., read a statement of protest ahead of an expected Tuesday vote on the city’s deal with the Yankees to subsidize the construction of three parking garages. Testifying before the NYC Industrial Development Agency (IDA), which is poised to issue over $200 million in triple tax […]

The Bronx Is Burning Over Subsidized Stadium Parking

The people of the South Bronx will organize against the subsidized construction of parking garages for the new Yankee Stadium, one resident said yesterday. At a sparsely attended public hearing in Lower Manhattan, Margaret Collins of Save Our Parks told the New York City Industrial Development Agency (IDA) that a "barely contained rage" is simmering over the traffic the new […]

City Approves Subsidized Yankee Stadium Parking

Yes, the Yankees’ season is over. But on the bright side, this morning the city handed the team a nice consolation prize: $225 million in tax exempt bonds for parking deck construction at the new Yankee Stadium. Under the agreement, the city will give up some $2.5 million in taxes, with an estimated $5 million […]

NYCEDC’s Yankee Stadium Parking Debacle: Who Woulda Thought?

In news that should surprise no one, the taxpayer-financed Yankee Stadium parking garages have been declared an unmitigated disaster. Anyone could have seen the deal was a loser from the start — that a sports stadium served by subways, buses and a new commuter rail station, a stadium that would have fewer seats for fans, […]