Panel: NYMTC Meeting on New York Transportation

"Let’s face it, the New York area is unique. It’s one of a handful of communities in the United States that must carefully consider the importance of all modes in transportation planning and programming. Roads, bridges, transit, passenger and freight rail, passenger and freight air service and freight/goods movement are interrelated and equally critical to the success of our national transportation system. New York is a prime example of a place where all of the modes play an important role in maintaining and enhancing the region’s economy, quality of life and environment. It’s a microcosm of the national challenges and opportunities for transportation."
– Excerpts of an interview with Cameron Moore, Executive Director, National Association of Regional Councils (NARC)

Join NYMTC for a free Special Council Meeting and further discussion about what issues affect New Yorkers the most for the reauthorization of the federal transportation act. This candid discussion will feature:

  • Co-Moderator: Astrid C. Glynn, Commissioner, New York State Department of Transportation and NYMTC co-chair
  • Co-Moderator: Andrew J. Spano, Westchester County Executive and NYMTC co-chair
  • Cameron Moore, National Association of Regional Councils
  • Lillian Borrone, ENO Transportation Foundation
  • Anne Canby, The Surface Transportation Policy Partnership
  • William M. Millar, American Public Transportation Association

In addition,Council Members will take action on the $35 billion Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Air Quality Conformity Determination.