Panel: Jane Jacobs and the Future of New York: When the Big Get Bigger: New York Universities and Their Neighbors


More than 40 years ago, Jane Jacobs opposed the construction of New York University’s monolithic Bobst Library on Washington Square South. The world has changed since then, but institutional expansion remains a major force in cities. Plans by Columbia University, New York University, Cooper Union and the United Nations have all met with considerable controversy. This panel will address the specific cases but also the larger issues of urban investment, preservation and regeneration.

  • James Traub — moderator
  • Hilary Ballon, New York University
  • Kent Barwick, Municipal Art Society
  • Lee Bollinger, Columbia University
  • Judith Rodin, Rockefeller Foundation


Jane Jacobs Today

Jane Jacobs’ ideas redefined urban planning, and her hometowns of New York and Toronto are among many cities that continue to feel the impact of her writings. The American Planning Association’s New York Metro Chapter, the Canadian Consulate General, and NYU Wagner will present a panel exploring the importance, meaning, and influence of her work, […]