Jane Jacobs Today

Jane Jacobs’ ideas redefined urban planning, and her hometowns of New York and Toronto are among many cities that continue to feel the impact of her writings. The American Planning Association’s New York Metro Chapter, the Canadian Consulate General, and NYU Wagner will present a panel exploring the importance, meaning, and influence of her work, in theory and in practice.

Panellists include:

  • Paul Goldberger, Architecture Critic for The New Yorker
  • Paul Bedford, former Chief City Planner of Toronto
  • Lisa Rochon, Architecture Critic for The Globe and Mail
  • Raymond Gastil, Director, Manhattan Office, Department of City Planning
  • Eugenie Birch, Professor and Chair, University of Pennsylvania Department of City and Regional Planning and former New York City Planning Commissioner

These panellists, New Yorkers and Torontonians, will compare the impact Jacobs’ work has had on their two cities. They will discuss how the planning process and specific projects in both cities have been influenced by her and how her philosophy has in turn been modified by planners in the 45 years since publication of The Death and Life of Great American Cities.

Panel members will also explore which elements of Jacobs’ ideas underlie controversial projects today, and which are passé for modern planners. Is Jane Jacobs still on the mark now? Which of her writings are worth revisiting? The panellists will share their opinions on how to move forward in an era where broad vision and public review are important parts of planning a project.

WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 17, 6 – 8 p.m.

WHERE: NYU Wagner’s Puck Building, 295 Lafayette Street at East Houston Street, 2nd Floor

RSVP: http://wagner.nyu.edu/events/janejacobs.php


Gathering in Memory of Jane Jacobs

Shin-pei Tsay and Lisa Chamberlain have organized a gathering in memory of Jane Jacobs on the anniversary of her death, April 25: Come raise a glass in honor of Jane Jacobs— a community activist who knew when to don the white gloves, when to get arrested, and when to unwind at the local pub. Speakers: Darren Walker, Vice […]

How Would Jane Jacobs Zone?

Everyone’s paying tribute to Jane Jacobs today, on what would be the pioneering urbanist’s 100th birthday. Jacobs’ classic critique of mid-century American urban planning dogma, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, is probably the most influential book ever written about planning. But her legacy is also contested, and her ideas still go unheeded in most cities. Was […]