Panel: Jane Jacobs and the Future of New York: Can One Woman (Still) Make a Difference?


This panel will explore the social and historical context in which Jane Jacobs emerged, while examining the ways in which she has influenced urban design and planning today. What factors contributed to the paradigm shift she abetted? Are her principles still applicable and efficacious? To what extent has the world changed to match her vision, and to what extent are today’s challenges of a different caliber?

  • Joe Giovannini, architect and critic — moderator
  • Roberta Brandes Gratz, urbanist
  • Chris Klemek, co-curator, Jane Jacobs and the Future of New York
  • Julia Vitullo-Martin, Manhattan Institute
  • Samuel Zipp, Brown University


Panel: Jane Jacobs and the Future of New York: When the Big Get Bigger: New York Universities and Their Neighbors

More than 40 years ago, Jane Jacobs opposed the construction of New York University’s monolithic Bobst Library on Washington Square South. The world has changed since then, but institutional expansion remains a major force in cities. Plans by Columbia University, New York University, Cooper Union and the United Nations have all met with considerable controversy. […]