Conference: Promoting Transit-Oriented Development in Southwestern Connecticut

Imagine a series of tightly knit communities and a mix of residential and commercial development within an easy walking distance or bicycle ride from a transit center. Sounds like we are dreaming? Not really! These Transit Oriented Developments (TOD) exist across the country. Many neighboring states have already successfully promoted these developments, and now Connecticut is starting to advance the TOD concept with proposed legislative initiatives and budgetary support. In this half-day conference, you will learn:

  • Why TOD is important;
  • Hear about other state’s and Connecticut’s initiatives to promote TOD;
  • View emerging examples with Antares and Georgetown in southwestern Connecticut;
  • Consider where TOD can be replicated in our region and other places in Connecticut.

Examples of these features include mixed-use, more dense development to promote transit use, excellent high quality pedestrian crossings, and narrower streets that encourage alternatives to automobile usage.

The keynote address will be delivered by Connecticut’s newly appointed Commissioner of Economic and Community Development, Joan McDonald.