Incredible SFPD Training Video: “Bikes Belong in Traffic”

This training video was a collaboration between the San Francisco Police Department and the SF Bicycle Coalition. The video is intended to increase police officers’ awareness of cyclists’ rights and responsibilities, and it is really effective. Here in New York, cyclists who complain of motorist intimidation and assault are often brushed off by the police. Perhaps the NYPD needs an instructional video like this one to help them understand the laws that relate to bicycling.


NYPD Shifts Sidewalk Bicycling Tickets Out of Criminal Court

NYPD is issuing substantially fewer criminal summonses for sidewalk bicycling, opting to enforce the violation with traffic tickets instead. While the shift is a good step toward decriminalizing the behavior, as a result there’s also less information available about how police are applying the law against sidewalk biking. Last year, police issued 6,069 bicycle-related criminal summonses, down from 25,082 in 2013, according to a report NYPD […]

NYPD Looking for Criminality in All the Wrong Places

I was gratified to learn in March that NYPD had re-christened its “Accident Investigation Squad” the “Collision Investigation Squad” (CIS), and reportedly beefed up its 19-person force of crash investigators by 50 percent. But as a lawyer representing pedestrian and cyclist crash victims, I have yet to see the impact of these changes on the […]

Chicago Police Say It Loud: Bikes Belong

Traffic Enforcement for Bicyclist Safety from Chicago Bicycle Program on Vimeo. This amazing video, via Chicago Bicycle Advocate, was produced for the Chicago Police Department to educate drivers, cyclists and officers on traffic laws pertaining to bikes. Considering the consistent disregard and hostility projected by New York’s Finest, that such videos exist (San Francisco has […]