New Blog Focuses on Tearing Down the “Highway to Nowhere”


Sheridan Swap is a new blog covering the Mother of All Livable Streets projects — the long-running campaign to convert one mile of little-used highway running along the Bronx River into affordable housing, parkland, greenway and economic opportunity for one of the city’s most beleaguered neighborhoods. The blog is run by the Southern Bronx River Watershed Alliance. The state, it seems, is getting ready to weigh in on the merits of the project:

The New York State Department of Transportation announced last month
that it will weigh the costs and benefits of its plan to expand the
Sheridan Expressway against a Community Vision for the highway’s removal and redevelopment.

Community Vision, which includes decommissioning the Sheridan and
replacing it with affordable housing, open space, and new economic
development opportunities, will be included in NYSDOT’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed expansion.

the analysis finds that the Community Vision makes more economic and
environmental sense than the expansion proposal, NYSDOT will be hard
pressed to move forward with its plan to stretch the Sheridan south
into Hunts Point.

Check back soon for updates on the DEIS process. In the meantime, check out what Wikipedia has to say about Environmental Impact Statements.