Tonight: Park(ing) Day Planning Meeting


Tonight, you are invited to a planning meeting to prepare for the previously discussed parking spot squat in New York City as a part of Park(ing) Day 2007. If you want to get involved, this is the place to be. Let’s show those San Franciscans who’s boss. 

August 2, 2007   6:30 pm   
234 Garfield Place (bet. Seventh & Eighth Aves.), Park Slope, Brooklyn
E-mail Lindsey Lusher at lindsey @ transalt . org


Park Slope Has Its Park(ing) Day

Evicted from their Park(ing) Day spot by the 78th Precinct last month, Park Slope Neighbors (with the PD’s permission) observed the event over the weekend. StreetFilms’ new producer Elizabeth Press was there, talking to participants, passers-by and motorists who support human-oriented use of valuable public space. There will be a Park(ing) Day celebration tonight in […]

Belated Park(ing) Day Parking Spot Squat in Brooklyn

Three weeks ago, people all around the country — including nearly two dozen groups in New York City — took part in National Park(ing) Day, a nationwide effort to transform public on-street parking spaces into mini-parks and community gathering places. Park Slope Neighbors intended to take part, but their team was quickly asked to move […]

NYC Celebrates Park(ing) Day 2014

Today’s the day when people across the world replace parking with parks to prompt their neighbors to think a bit differently about how we use street space. While participation in Park(ing) Day seems to have ebbed in New York recently, the city still made a decent showing this year. Here’s a sampler of the pop-up […]

Why is There a Picnic in My Parking Spot?

Park(ing) in Park Slope, Brooklyn, May 6, 2006. The sign says, "Public space reclamation in progress." Today is International Park(ing) Day, the day when urban dwellers all around the world reclaim on-street parking spaces for purposes more creative and life-affirming than private motor vehicle storage. If you found a bunch of kids playing in an […]

Pedestrians Fighting Over the Scraps

The Brooklynian message boards are often the scene of fierce fighting over Brownstone Brooklyn’s crowded sidewalk space. While Park Slope’s legion of double-wide stroller-pushing moms and sidewalk-riding cyclists tend to generate the most ire, yesterday a new target emerged: Guys playing cards on the sidewalk. Thankfully, these sidewalk fights seem to take place more in […]