Brodsky Represents NYC’s Wealthiest Car Commuters

brodsky.jpgHere is a complete copy of Assembly Member Richard Brodsky’s "Interim Report and Inquiry" into New York City’s long-term planning and congestion pricing proposals. Brodsky, you may recall, is the powerful state lawmaker with the moneybag full of parking industry contributions.

Brodsky’s 20-page report concludes:

The Mayor deserves great credit for thinking seriously about the problems of congestion and inadequate mass transit funding. Congestion and capital mass transit funding are serious unaddressed problems which require action by state and city government.


The congestion pricing legislation is not now in
a form which can be enacted.

And even though Manhattan-bound drive-to-work constituents in Brodsky’s Westchester district earn on average $176,231
—the highest of any New York county in the metropolitan area,
Brodsky is actually looking out for the little guy…

The revenues raised by the Mayor’s proposal disproportionately and
unfairly target people of low and moderate income, especially those who
live in the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn.

Brodsky also says…

The City has no plan to improve mass transit prior to the
implementation of congestion pricing.

Forget that the entire point of getting state approval by July 16 is to win a $500 million grant from the federal government that would go towards immediate transit improvements, particularly to improve bus service in the outer boroughs.


Today: Dueling Congestion Pricing Press Events

State Assembly Member Richard Brodsky (D-Westchester) is releasing his report on Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s congestion pricing proposal on the steps of City Hall today at 2:00 pm. Billed as "the first thorough, independent, and fair-minded" analysis (Apparently, the Partnership for New York’s two-year study wasn’t thorough and Bruce Schaller’s massive body of research wasn’t independent […]

Dear Mr. Brodsky: What Now?

In today’s Times, Richard Brodsky weighs in on the pitfalls of shortchanging capital needs in the face of the immediate MTA budget crisis. "The need for investment in the system is gargantuan," said Assemblyman Richard L. Brodsky, a Democrat from Westchester County who is chairman of a committee that oversees the authority. "Twenty-five years from […]

Pay Back: Richard Brodsky Proposes Road Pricing for Westchester

Please note: This was an April Fool’s Day post… State Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, a prominent opponent of congestion pricing, introduced his own plan for road pricing and smart growth zoning regulations in Westchester following New York City Council’s 30 to 20 vote in favor of Mayor Bloomberg’s traffic mitigation initiative. "New York City? Who needs […]

Traffic Pricing Is Evolving. Can Its Opponents?

“The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones,” wrote John Maynard Keynes in his ground-breaking 1935 treatise, “The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.” Keynes was bemoaning budget-balancing nostrums that deepened the Great Depression. But the famed economist’s lament applies equally to Richard Brodsky’s exhumation last week […]

Driver’s Remorse: Tardy Brodsky Delayed by “Accident”

A tipster who attended last night’s MAS event about Moynihan Station sent us this delicious tidbit, in which some small measure of justice is served for Westchester Assemblyman Richard Brodsky’s contribution to the killing of congestion pricing: Scheduled to appear at a panel discussion on the fate of Moynihan Station beginning at 6:30 pm Tuesday […]

Brodsky Taxes Milk! Toll Plazas Will be Named After Marc Shaw!

With its report released the day before, there wasn’t a lot of news to be found at yesterday’s meeting of the Congestion Mitigation Commission. There was, however, some good political theater and, with the deadline to produce a recommendation approaching, influential commissioners began staking out their positions. The day’s agenda was to discuss the four […]