7/7/07: The Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook

LiveEarth.jpgThe Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook is the official
companion volume to today’s Live Earth concerts, 24 hours of nonstop
concerts broadcast from around the world on 7/7/07. It’s a fun little book, meant to connect with a younger audience via tongue-in-cheek suggestions, practical advice, factual information, and imaginative, bluesky solutions for climate change.

Each of the book’s 77 articles is presented as a brief instruction or command. I contributed a few pieces that Streetsblog readers might appreciate. They were: Ride a Bike, Decongest Downtown, Ride the Train and Fly Right (which, more accurately would have been titled "Fly Less," but that’s not very snappy). It was a fun project and, I think, a great opportunity to inject some of the progressive ideas that we talk about here on Streetsblog into the mainstream.

The book was edited by Duncan Bock and produced on a ridiculously short timeline by Melcher Media. Charles Komanoff also helped to research and fact check some of the book’s carbon emission calculations.

Here is the Ride a Bike chapter…


Book Talk: Elizabeth Kolbert: Field Notes From a Catastrophe

Join the New York City Audubon Society for a discussion and book signing of Field Notes From a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change by Elizabeth Kolbert. In her most recent book, Kolbert approaches global warming from every angle. She travels to the Arctic, the North of England, Holland and Puerto Rico, interviews researchers and environmentalists, draws […]

Battle of the Weatherpeople

It’s not just the weather that’s in an uproar these days, it’s the weatherpeople, too. After Heidi Cullen, host of the Weather Channel program "The Climate Code," wrote on her blog that she thought forecasters who deny manmade climate change were uneducated on the issue and should perhaps have their American Meteorological Society credentials revoked, […]

Will “Crazy Technology” Thwart Climate Change?

Between automobile advertisements, ABC news reports on some far-out ideas to mitigate global climate change: Crazy-sounding ideas for saving the planet are getting a serious look from top scientists, a sign of their fears about global warming and the desire for an insurance policy in case things get worse. How crazy? There’s the man-made "volcano" […]

Climate Change: It’s What’s for Dinner

For years, animal rights and welfare groups have maintained that the factory farming of animals for human consumption wreaks havoc on the environment. Now that climate change has become a mainstream issue, they’re taking it up a notch. Bolstered by a recent United Nations report "stating that the livestock business generates more greenhouse gas emissions […]