Mayor Speaks at Times Square Pricing Rally


Supporters of congestion pricing rallied yesterday in Times Square, urging state lawmakers to act by July 16 on Mayor Bloomberg’s initiative or risk losing $500 million in federal funds. "The time is now," said the mayor, according to the New York Post. "We cannot walk away from this opportunity." 

Shouting out to tourists in a passing bus, the Mayor also suggested a new slogan for the Big Apple, according to the Daily News: "Welcome to New York. We have cars clogging our street. We have trucks
polluting our air. We have traffic holding back business."


Congestion Pricing Can Help Save Working NYC Families $2,300 Per Year

Without congestion pricing, fare hikes will hit New York’s many transit-using families hard. Image: Ed Yourdon via Flickr. Without bold action from legislators to fund transit, middle-class New York families will have to spend $2,300 more per year to get around the city even as the quality of the service they’re paying for declines, according […]

Bloomberg Declares Support for a National Carbon Tax

New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg will declare his support today for a national carbon tax, according to a report posted this morning on the New York Times City Room blog by metro reporter Sewell Chan: Mayor Bloomberg plans to announce today his support for a national carbon tax. In what his aides are calling […]
In his "State of the City" speech on Monday, Mayor de Blasio said he'd soon release a plan to address growing congestion in the city. Photo: NYC Mayor's Office

4 Ways the Mayor Can Reduce Congestion Without Congestion Pricing

Mayor de Blasio's forthcoming congestion plan won't call for traffic pricing, but the mayor has plenty of other options to reduce traffic congestion. Here are four policies that would provide much-needed congestion relief on NYC streets -- it's difficult to imagine any City Hall traffic reduction initiative that doesn't include some of these ideas.

Statement from Mayor Bloomberg on Congestion Pricing Failure

Press conference at 11:30 am today. Here is the Mayor’s statement on the New York State legislature’s failure to act on New York City’s congestion pricing plan:  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 17, 2007 STATEMENT FROM MAYOR MICHAEL R. BLOOMBERG ON CONGESTION PRICING AND PLANYC "Although we continue to talk to the Legislature and the Governor, […]

Today: Dueling Congestion Pricing Press Events

State Assembly Member Richard Brodsky (D-Westchester) is releasing his report on Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s congestion pricing proposal on the steps of City Hall today at 2:00 pm. Billed as "the first thorough, independent, and fair-minded" analysis (Apparently, the Partnership for New York’s two-year study wasn’t thorough and Bruce Schaller’s massive body of research wasn’t independent […]