94th Precinct to Cyclists: Obey Traffic Rules

All of the bicycles parked on Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg had these flyers stapled to them recently. The reverse side of the flyer has translations in Spanish & Polish.

Thanks to Streetsblog tipster Laura for this one. She notes, "The 94th covers Greenpoint and most of Northside Williamsburg. Nothing in this statement about cracking down on aggressive drivers who threaten bikers, of course." And thanks to Streetblog tipster John for scanning the flyer.


NYPD’s Bedford Avenue Circular Saw Massacre Caught on Tape

The NYPD’s 94th Precinct in Williamsburg, Brooklyn is working hard to build on its reputation for being New York City’s most infamous bike thieves. Too much demand for bike parking in the neighborhood? "I know what to do," says the 94’s commanding officer Dennis M. Fulton. "Bust out the circular saw!" This time Greenpoint resident […]

Eyes on the Street: A Refuge on Vanderbilt

A tipster sends along these fresh shots of construction on Vanderbilt Avenue in Prospect Heights. The new pedestrian refuges give the street a geometry very similar to what we saw on Broadway in Williamsburg two weeks ago. Below, the remnants of old trolley tracks get unearthed. We’re told the foreman says his crew is having […]

Breaking News: 94th Precinct Clipping Bikes on Bedford Ave

Police officers from Brooklyn’s 94th precinct are, at this moment, clipping bike locks and seizing bicycles parked along Bedford Ave. according to Community Board 1 Transportation Chair Teresa Toro. The precinct gave Community Board members no advanced notice of the police action. Phone calls to the precinct have gone unanswered. Toro, who also works for […]

Bike-Share NIMBY Flyer: Make Cobble Hill Great Again

A tipster spotted this flyer on Douglass Street in Cobble Hill, where Citi Bike will be expanding this year: Makes perfect sense. Keep bike-share at bay, and the neighborhood can be suspended in time. David Greenfield and the MTA won’t mess with F train service. Supermarkets will stay in business. The meddlesome construction of housing for other people […]

Cyclists Throwing Selves Under Cars in Brooklyn

The Daily News reports that more cyclists are getting hit by cars in Williamsburg and Greenpoint — an increase of 38 percent and 188 percent, respectively, over last year. While Transportation Alternatives cites dangerous conditions created by the lack of bike lanes, the News draws a different conclusion: [T]he numbers don’t lie. Stats show that […]