Brooklyn Community Board Supports DOT’s 9th Street Plan

Last night, Brooklyn’s Community Board 6 narrowly voted in favor of a resolution supporting the Department of Transportation’s plan to put Park Slope’s 9th Street on a "Road Diet."

So, that’s that. After two months of fighting it’s all over but for the Thermoplast. We would enjoy saying that the group of 9th Street residents who so intensely and irrationally opposed this plan "lost" last night but, in fact, they won because come July, their street is going to be a safer, more pleasant and functional place. Nevertheless, expect them to be out in force and going ballistic the first time there is a fender bender or the cops come around with parking tickets.

Gowanus Lounge has the story:

In the end, after nearly two months of wrangling and angry debate, the plan to install bike lanes and other traffic calming measures on Ninth Street in Park Slope was narrowly endorsed
by Community Board 6 last night. The vote was 17-14 with two
abstentions. In April, CB6 had referred a motion endorsing the plan
back to its Transportation Committee, which held another meeting and
produced another motion in support
of the bike lanes. The support is conditioned on efforts to direct
bicyclists to Prospect Park’s 15th Street entrance, to study traffic
calming measures on Prospect Park West and to examine the impact of the
bike lanes after they are installed.

The Board’s vote, however,
was largely a formality, as the Department of Transportation has
indicated it would go ahead with the plan regardless of Community Board
backing. There was a final burst of debate before the vote last night,
with opponents again speaking out against the measure as supporters
held up signs in favor of the bike lanes. DOT intends to begin
installing the bike lanes shortly.


9th Street Road Diet Meeting Tonight

Konrad Kaletsch‘s street safety petition to DOT, July 2005. Tonight, the Department of Transportation’s Traffic Safety and Bike Lane plan for Park Slope’s crash-prone 9th Street comes up before the transportation committee of Community Board 6 for the second time. Here are  the details: 6:30 pm at Old First Church729 Carroll Street at 7th Avenue […]

Updated Version of DOT’s 9th Street Plan

Above is the latest version of DOT’s plan to improve pedestrian safety, install traffic-calming and stripe bike lanes on 9th Street in Park Slope. If you like this plan and live or work within the boundaries of Community Board 6 or Park Slope, or if you just use 9th Street as a pedestrian, motorist, cyclist […]

Brooklyn Community Board 6 Meeting on 9th Street Ped Safety and Bike Lanes, Park Slope One-Ways, Grand Army Plaza and Red Hook Bike Lanes

Last Thursday, Community Board 6’s transportation committee voted to approve bike lanes, traffic-calming and pedestrian safety plans for 9th Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn. A vocal contingent from 9th Street, some of whom are members of the Community Board, are trying to kill the plan. Come out to show your support for a bike lane […]

CB6 Committee Unanimously Approves 9th St. Project

The transportation committee of Brooklyn Community Board 6, of which I’m a member, voted unanimously last night to approve DOT’s traffic calming and bike lane plan for Park Slope’s 9th Street. The approval came with requests that DOT build a bike lane along Prospect Park West, undertake a curbside management study aimed at alleviating double-parking […]