The King of Albany Gridlock Breaks His Silence

As reported by WNYC:

NEW YORK, NY June 11, 2007 – As the mayor continues to push for a congestion pricing scheme for midtown Manhattan, the focus of the debate has shifted to — you guessed it — Albany.

REPORTER: Assembly members had many questions for the mayor on Friday, and Speaker Sheldon Silver said today he had issues of his own.

SILVER: Will mass transit be ready to handle the overage? What’s the significance? So these are all questions that hopefully good minds will get to work on answering and we’ll have a comprehensive plan that makes sense.

REPORTER: Speaking to reporter’s upstate, Silver said there would be no decision made before the legislative session ends later this month. But he held out hope that something could be voted on later this summer. City officials are urging action by august so the plan can qualify for federal grant money.


Bloomberg Stadium Foes Urge Silver to Support Pricing

Then: "Honk No" to Mayor Bloomberg’s plan. Now: Stop honking and pay $8. Bloomberg’s West Side stadium foes are now his congestion pricing friends. Manhattan Community Boards 4, 5 and 6 are holding a joint public hearing on the PlaNYC congestion pricing proposal tonight at 6:00pm. In an interesting twist of politics, the West Side […]

Parking Reform: Reduce Congestion & Raise Money Minus Albany

With congestion pricing stalled in Albany gridlock, what’s next? What immediate measures can New York City take to reduce traffic congestion without having to go through Albany to implement them? How else might New York City reduce traffic congestion while raising a bit of money for transit, bicycling and pedestrian improvements? Back in May, Transportation […]

Congestion Pricing Endgame Begins

With less than four weeks remaining for the city to meet the $354 million federal deadline, lawmakers are positioning themselves on one side of the other of the congestion pricing debate, as state and city prime movers quietly ready for "negotiations." According to the Sun, Governor Eliot Spitzer’s office is drafting a congestion pricing bill, […]

City Holds Its Breath for Silver

At the end of last week it appeared Mayor Bloomberg was on the verge of pulling it off. Having scored a congestion pricing bill in the state Senate, coaxed a cautious endorsement from the governor, and all but securing a near half-billion dollar pledge from Washington, Bloomberg sailed into Friday’s state Assembly hearings on a […]

Pricing Round-Up: Dems Conference in Albany

Assembly Democrats met behind closed doors last night to gauge their collective sentiment on congestion pricing. According to the Post, only seven of the 36 legislators who spoke during the meeting expressed support, but the one who matters most, Shelly Silver, remains uncommitted:  Silver, who has not voiced a public position on the issue, said […]