Panel: NYC2030 Transportation Issues

On Earth Day, April 22, the Mayor gave one of the most important speeches of his administration, laying out a coordinated challenge to deal with the preservation and growth issues facing New York over the next 25 years. You’ve heard about the proposals regarding congestion pricing, but not as much about the other 126 important initiatives regarding housing, open space, transportation, energy, water, air quality and climate change.

This event is the third in a cycle of three detailed presentation/workshops, following successful sessions on growth and green issues. Audience interaction will expand on this discussion.

The focus of this session is on Transportation Issues (congestion pricing, transit improvements, transit oriented development, alternative transportation, infrastructure maintenance), and what we as design professionals can do to help refine and implement objectives and strategies.

Welcome/ Moderators

  • Ernest Hutton AICP Assoc AIA, Co-chair NYNV/ AIANY P&UD Committee
  • Jim Wright, AIA, Co-Chair Transportation and Infrastructure Committee


  • Rachel Weinberger, University of Pennsylvania, formerly with Mayor’s Office of Sustainability and Long Range Planning
  • Gerry Bogacz, NY Metropolitan Transportation Council
  • Peter Cavalucci AIA, Ehrenkranz Ekstut + Kuhn Architects


NYLCV Asks Pols About Smart Growth and Complete Streets, Not Transit

The New York League of Conservation Voters just released the questionnaire that will be guiding their endorsements for state legislators in 2010. NYLCV is one of only two organizations in the state that endorses candidates based on their support for sustainable transportation. While the organization will be judging candidates on their support for important transportation […]

Panel: Sustainable NYC: Congestion Pricing

The Wagner Transportation Association invites you to learn about the policy and planning issues behind New York City’s proposed congestion pricing plan. Panelists represent a variety of positions and will discuss congestion pricing from the perspectives of  traffic management, public transit, the economy, and the American Automobile Association.  Come learn about the specifics of the […]