Last Day to See the Paintings of Taliah Lempert

The artist specializes in paintings of bicycles.


Drawing the Bicycle With Taliah Lempert

Draw pictures of bicycles in an artist’s studio. This workshop focuses on gesture, composition and basic bicycle anatomy. Participants draw bicycles from observation. All levels welcome. Class size limited to 10 participants. Basic materials provided.

Art Show: Joy Ride

Opening for JOY RIDE, an art show inspired by the bicycleCurated by Brendt Barbur Swoon Phil Frost Amy Franceschini ESPO Michel Gondry Steve MacDonald David Namaiki Shepard Fairey DAZE Peter Sutherland Julia Chiang Ryuta Nakajima Massan Kareem Black Brian Vernor Benny Zenga Fast Eddie Williams Cheryl Dunn Takuya Sakamoto Madsaki Erik Zo Ko Masuda Gina […]

This Week in Livable Streets Events

Chances to have your say on ferry service and the changes on Broadway, and an opportunity to bid farewell to the John Liu era of the City Council Transportation Committee. Also, you can ride around the world without ever leaving Queens. Monday: The City Council is holding a public forum on citywide ferry service. Members […]

Cartoon Tuesday: Paint the Pavement… on the Elevated Highway

This project takes the spirit of intersection repair to new heights. You’re looking at the Elevado Costa e Silva, a two-mile stretch of 1970s-vintage elevated highway in the middle of gridlocked Sao Paulo, Brazil. It’s known informally as the minhocão ("giant worm"), and according to local blog Inside Sao Paulo, a project to remove the […]