Aug. ’05 Flashback: 1,200 Slopers Demand a Safer 9th Street

Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz and 9th St. resident Konrad Kaletsch at Dizzy’s Diner, Eighth Ave. and 9th St., August 2, 2005. That’s DOT Borough Commissioner Lori Ardito in the background wearing shades and looking none too happy to be harangued by Park Slopers demanding safer streets.

Tomorrow evening the transportation committee of Community Board 6 is meeting to take up DOT’s 9th Street Safety and Bike Lane plan. The meeting will be at 6:30 pm at Old First Church, 729 Carroll Street at 7th Avenue. Park Slope Neighbors and Transportation Alternatives have generated nearly 400 letters of support for DOT’s plan. Still, it will be important for Livable Streets advocates to show up and make their presence known. Speaking of letters of support, here is an important one:

May 13, 2007

Dear Borough President Marty Markowitz:

I led my neighborhood in a successful endeavor to make 9th street a safer thoroughfare for both pedestrians and vehicles in August 2005. Your support at that time made a huge difference (the result that had the greatest impact was the new traffic light installed at 10th street that slows traffic entering the 9th st intersection). 

There is a new initiative to make changes to the street that further fulfills on making 9th street safe. I am referring to the DOT plans to reduce the two lanes to one and adding bike lanes and a meridian in the middle.  Having looked at the proposal, I see that it is a safety win/win for pedestrians and vehicles and not only support the plan myself, but believe that the 1200 people that signed the 2005 petition would support this step toward safety and traffic calming as well. 

I request your support once again in urging DOT to move forward with this improvement.  Thanks.

Konrad Kaletsch
XXX Ninth Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Photo: Aaron Naparstek, August 2, 2005, 8:10 am


Tell Marty Markowitz You Support DOT’s 9th Street Plan

If you live in or around Park Slope, Brooklyn, then please take just a minute to click this link and send a fax to Borough President Marty Markowitz expressing your support for DOT’s traffic safety plan for 9th Street.  As we’ve reported here on Streetsblog, the Department of Transportation has put forward a thoughtful and […]

9th Street Road Diet Meeting Tonight

Konrad Kaletsch‘s street safety petition to DOT, July 2005. Tonight, the Department of Transportation’s Traffic Safety and Bike Lane plan for Park Slope’s crash-prone 9th Street comes up before the transportation committee of Community Board 6 for the second time. Here are  the details: 6:30 pm at Old First Church729 Carroll Street at 7th Avenue […]

CB6 Committee Unanimously Approves 9th St. Project

The transportation committee of Brooklyn Community Board 6, of which I’m a member, voted unanimously last night to approve DOT’s traffic calming and bike lane plan for Park Slope’s 9th Street. The approval came with requests that DOT build a bike lane along Prospect Park West, undertake a curbside management study aimed at alleviating double-parking […]

A Tale of Two DOT Plans

Looking down Park Slope’s 9th Street at Prospect Park West. They call this "excess capacity." A lot of different things are happening on 9th Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn. It’s got some gorgeous residential blocks, a bus route, a busy bustling commercial district including a post office, grocery store, car service storefront and lots of […]