Bicycle Film Festival: FBM Portal Film, Helltrack and Grounded

One showing of a three-film program.

  • FBM Portal Film
    USA 2007 | DV | 4min
    Dir. Steve Crandall
    Riding and ROCK and ROLL
    USA 2007 | DV | 3 min.
    Dir. Dave Kellman
    A look into the northwest BMX trails, street, and park scene.
    East Coast Premiere
    USA 2007 | DV, 16mm, 8mm | 30 min.
    Dir. Stew Johnson Edited by Mike Manzoori
    This film will have the biggest impact of the last few years in BMX. Many BMX films are judged solely on the riding skill exhibited in them. This film has some of the best riding in the world and the filming and editing to match. Featuring Aaron Ross and the all encompassing legend Taj Mihelich


Bicycle Film Festival: 14 Short Films

One showing of a 14-film program. TAGUK/USA 2007 | DV | 5 min. Dir. William Prouty A bike messenger and rollerblader face off during a chase through the streets of London. THE NEW WOMAN: ANNIE "LONDONDERRY" KOPCHOVSKY USA 2006 | DVC Pro | 8 min. Dir. Gillian Klempner & Meghan Shoa This is about an […]

Bicycle Film Festival: 18 Messenger Shorts

Three showings of a 18-film program. DAO & THE ART OF BICYCLE INVENTION UK 2006 | Various Mediums | 3 min. Dir. Danny Beck BRIT DOCS Selection MY BIKE, MY BAG and I USA | 1 min. Dir. RED LIGHT GO courtesy of KSK Studios Bronx Jon 95th BERLIN SIX DAYS GERMANY 2006 | DV […]

Bicycle Film Festival: 14 Short Films

One showing of a 14-film program. A HISTORY OF THE BICYCLE USA 2001 | DV | 6 min. Dir. Michael P. Gaughan Historian David Herlihey illustrates the development of the modern bicycle and its impact on society. IN MEMORIUM UK/Portugal 2006 | DV | 4 min. Dir. Eduardo Amaro Every day, the same route. Every […]

Bicycle Film Festival: 8 Films

One showing of an eight-film program. BICYCLE SAMBA UK 2005 | DV | 2 min. Dir. Sophie Clements Samba on bicycles! All sounds directly from the bikes – no added or altered sounds. YELLOW JACKET France 2005 | Animation | 6 min. Dir. Bruno Collet Bicycle racing hijinx by the beach. PUMP USA 2006 | […]

Bicycle Film Festival: 6 Films

One showing of a six-film program. LUCAS BRUNELLE VIDEO #2 USA 2007 | DV | 14min. Dir. Lucas Brunelle The famous Lucas Brunelle travels the world from London to Mexico City to New York. In this year’s update of his worldwide adventures you see the emerging bike movement through his helmet cam. PHAT RIDE UK […]

Bicycle Film Festival: 5 Films

One showing of a five-film program. A VERY LONG SUMMER AFTERNOON Romania 2006 | DV | 12 min. Dir. Eliza Zdrv Four travelers. Four memories. Four bikes. THE BICYCLE: FIGHTING AIDS WITH COMMUNITY MEDICINE Canada 2006 | DV | 14 min. Dir. Katerina Cizek An intimate look at AIDS through the eyes of Pax Chingawale, […]