Hyping the HyperBike
Inventor Curt DeForest Jr. claims that his HyperBike will be the fastest and safest human-powered vehicle ever built. It’s roll cage supposedly can withstand a 200 mph impact. DeForest writes:
I set out to create a machine that would promote good health and good posture, could travel great distances at top speeds, did not use fossil fuels, and was safe and good for you. The HyperBike is what the bicycle should have been.
The conventional bicycle is unstable and dangerous on the road. The
rider is vulnerable in traffic no matter how experienced. It is the
height of danger to be balanced on two inch-wide tires with nothing
between the driver and road objects. A cyclist is more vulnerable than
a pedestrian by virtue of being "in" traffic, not just near it.Cyclists
are unable to travel safely at the same speed as traffic; neither can
they accelerate nor stop as quickly. And, unlike the Hyperbike, a
seated cyclist is reduced to using only leg muscles for propulsion.
Whereas, the operator of a Hyperbike uses legs, torso, arms and body
weight for propulsion.