Wider Sidewalks & a Bicycle Park-and-Ride for Williamsburg

Streetsblog has gotten a hold of a draft of DOT’s plan to widen the sidewalk and install new bike racks at the Bedford Avenue L subway station in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. As diagrammed above, the plan calls for the elimination of five motor vehicle parking spaces on N. 7th Street at Bedford Avenue, alongside the subway station stairwell on the southeast corner (see the corner at the bottom of the diagram).

bike_stealing.jpgThe Bedford Avenue L is a popular park-and-ride spot for area bicycle commuters. With the bike racks on N. 7th between Bedford and Driggs often overloaded, it is common to see clumps of bicycles locked to street signs, subway railings and just about anything else.

Unfortunately, prior to this development, every so often park-and-ride cyclists would return home from work to find that their bikes were gone. As the New York Times reported last November, the bicycle thief was not who you’d think:

On Wednesday, 28-year-old graphic designer Miao Wang rode her
bicycle 12 blocks from her apartment in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, to the
Bedford Avenue L subway station. She locked up, boarded her train and
went to work. That evening, she emerged from subway to find that her
black Diamondback bicycle was gone. Ms. Wang’s
bicycle was one of nine confiscated in the latest police sweep of bikes
locked to railings, street signs and parking meters around the subway

DOT will be issuing a press release shortly and we’ll have more information on this promising and, I believe, unprecedented development. Does anyone know of any other cases in New York City in which on-street car parking was removed and replaced with bicycle parking? 

Photo: Untitledname on Flickr


Small Step for Pedestrians & Cyclists; Giant Leap for NYC

The Department of Transportation’s recently announced streetscape renovation at the Bedford Avenue L subway station in Williamsburg, Brooklyn marks the first time ever in New York City that car parking spaces have been removed to make way for bicycle parking. Since breaking the news of this development on Monday, Streetsblog has learned more about the project. DOT’s plan […]

Now the MTA is Stealing Bikes in Williamsburg

Back in July, New York City’s Department of Transportation built sidewalk extensions and bike racks on a few automobile parking spaces-worth of street space near the Bedford Avenue subway stop in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It was the first time ever that on-street car parking had been replaced by bike parking in New York City. The Bedford […]

MTA: Not Stealing Bikes. Just Following the Rules.

The MTA has been taking a lot of flack following yesterday’s dust-up over MTA workers seizing bicycles locked to the Bedford Avenue subway station stairwell railing in Williamsburg. Perhaps the wrong transportation agency is taking the hit on this one. A camera phone-toting tipster sends along the above photo. It shows that, not only does […]

An NYC First: On-Street Parking Spaces Replaced by Bike Racks

The new bike racks have been installed at the Bedford Avenue L subway station in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. As the Dept. of Transportation announces in today’s press release, "The facility marks the first time car parking spaces have been removed to accommodate bicycle parking in New York City." DOT extended a 76-foot section of the sidewalk […]