Important Meeting Tonight on New L.E.S. Bike Lanes

broken_stencil2.jpgManhattan Community Board 3’s Transportation Committee is holding a public meeting on the new bike lanes on Grand Street in the Lower East Side tonight at 6:30 pm at 273 Bowery (at Houston St.), University Settlement, Room 1. Details here. It is important that some bicycling advocates show up to this meeting. From Transportation Alternatives:

In November, the NYC Department of Transportation added a grand new bike lane all the way across Grand Street, from West Broadway to the FDR. It’s a solid improvement that’ll make Grand Street safer for the many cyclists who already ride there, and since it makes a nice connection to the Williamsburg Bridge and the East River Greenway, it’ll encourage even more people to ride bikes.

But now some members of Community Board 3 (East Village and Lower East Side, and generally very supportive of cycling) are demanding that the Department of Transportation remove the bike lane! They appear to have no good reason other than they just don’t like bikes.

Someone might also want to mention that the new bicycle stencils already seem to be peeling off of the asphalt.

Photo: Jason Varone