Memorial Ride for Eric Ng

A memorial ride for Eric Ng, 22-year-old bicyclist, teacher, and friend who was killed on Dec. 1 by a drunk driver as he rode his bike on the Hudson River Greenway. Meet at Washington Square at 1 p.m. We will ride together to the site of Eric’s death at 1:30 SHARP. Non-bikers can go directly to the West Side Greenway, near Clarkson St. By train: take the 1 to Houston St.


Eric Ng Memorial Bike Ride This Saturday

There will be a memorial bike ride for Eric Ng, the cyclist killed by a drunk driver on the Hudson River Greenway last week. Details below. Also, here is a note from the Visual Resistance blog. VR are the guys who make the "ghost bikes:" I’ve been making ghost bikes for strangers for a year and […]

2006 Cyclist Memorial Ride

Last year hundreds of cyclists gathered as a group on the first Sunday of the year to mourn for all those who perished while riding a bike on the streets of NYC in 2005. On this day bikers rode in from the far reaches of every borough, stopping and paying respect at every crash site. […]

Streetfilms: Memorial for Eric Ng

Eric Ng MemorialStreetfilms by Clarence EckersonRunning time: 3 minutes 17 seconds Eric Ng, a 22-year-old teacher and activist, was killed on December 1 by a drunk driver as he rode his bicycle on the Hudson River Greenway. Yesterday, Time’s Up! and Visual Resistance organized a series of events to pay tribute to Eric’s memory. Clarence […]

This Week: West Side Greenway Changes, Giovanni Nin Memorial

A late addition to the Streetsblog calendar that Hudson River Greenway users will want to squeeze into their schedules tonight: Community Board 7’s Parks and Recreation committee will hear from the Parks Department about changes to the greenway in Riverside Park intended to reduce conflicts between pedestrians and cyclists. The greenway can get uncomfortably crowded […]

Greenway Killer is Sentenced 3½ to 10½ Years

Portraits of cyclists killed on the streets of New York, Eric Ng, Keith Powell, Andre Anderson, and Carl Nacht by artist Christopher Cardinale. Yesterday was the sentencing for Eugenio Cidron, the driver who killed bicyclist Eric Ng on the Hudson River Greenway thirteen months ago and pleaded guilty to second-degree manslaughter in November. Leaving the […]