Presentation and Discussion with Steve Cohen, Author of ‘Understanding Environmental Policy’
Rarely a day goes by that you can’t read about an environmental problem in the newspaper. The earth and its inhabitants are facing unique environmental challenges that necessitate bold new ideas and solutions. Solving these challenges demands an understanding of environmental policy.
Perhaps now more than ever before solving the world’s environmental problems requires a holistic approach. In Understanding Environmental Policy, Steve Cohen, Executive Director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University and the Director of the innovative MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program, illuminates readers with a multidimensional framework for solving environmental challenges. Only by formulating effective policy can we successfully address issues such as New York City’s garbage crisis, toxic waste contamination, or global climate change. In the book Cohen offers an examination of the political, scientific, technological, organizational, and moral import of several prominent environmental issues.
Author Steve Cohen will given a presentation and entertain questions before a book signing and reception. Read an excerpt from the chapter: "Have We Made the Planet Warmer, and If We Have, How Can We Stop?"