Word on the Street

Overheard in the comments section. If anyone has photos of the new stencils or has seen police enforcing bike lanes in a similar way, snap a photo and send it to Streetsblog:

I can verify Hannah’s observation. On Sunday morning, my girlfriend and I noticed the marking on W. 77th (we recall 78th but it could have been 77th?) on the west side of the intersection with Columbus. There will be photographic evidence tomorrow.

Also, as I rode home on 8th Ave this evening, I observed a police car with lights and sirens blaring. The car was driving down the bike lane and parking behind standing vehicles until they drove off. I watched this behavior for about 2 minutes as the police vehicle swept 3 passenger cars out of the 8th Ave bike lane between W.50th and W.54th streets. Although I would prefer tickets for the offenders, I guess badgering drivers to vacate the bike lane meets the immediate needs of cyclists.

Has anyone else seen something similar?

Comment by alex – October 10, 2006 @ 9:42 pm