Traffic and Parks – Can They Co-Exist?

As new parks develop and congestion increases, will traffic need to be further curbed to accommodate park goers? Or can traffic and parks co-exist peacefully in our burgeoning city? Join Henry J. Stern, President, NYCivic, Parks and Recreation Commissioner Adrian Benepe, Transportation Alternatives‘ Executive Director Paul Steely White, and others for an evening of discussion and debate. Presented as a part of the Museum of the City of New York‘s ongoing Civic Talks series developed in collaboration with NYCivic.

WHEN: Thursday, Sept. 21, 6:30 p.m.

WHERE: The Museum of the City of New York, 1220 Fifth Avenue at 103rd St.


Car-Free Parks: Now More Than Ever

It was on last year’s Earth Day that Mayor Bloomberg unveiled his far-reaching plans to make New York City more sustainable, with congestion pricing as one of the centerpieces. For some reason, making Central and Prospect Parks car-free did not make the list of 127 announced initiatives. With congestion pricing off the table for now […]

What if DOT Simply Forgot to Open the Parks to Traffic?

This holiday season, users of Central and Prospect Parks got an unexpected and welcome gift after years of finding coal (and exhaust) in their stockings. Interestingly, the sources of that exhaust didn’t seem to complain (or perhaps even notice) that things had changed. For years, cars have been barred from most of the Parks’ Loop […]

Gale Brewer Introduces Bill to Make Central Park, Prospect Park Car-Free

Upper West Side City Council Member Gale Brewer introduced legislation today that would restore Central and Prospect Parks to their original car-free status. Brewer’s bill would ban private vehicles from using the park drives in either park; official vehicles would still be allowed to use the roads. Brewer’s legislation would also commission a study examining […]

A Crash Course on Driver Safety for Parks Dept. Employees

A Parks Dept. truck crashes a Central Park wedding Following Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe’s recent reminder for "Parkies" to drive safely and the revocation of parking permits on Central Park’s East Drive, the Parks Dept. recently sent out another mass e-mail to employees noting that "in the last few months we have seen an increase […]