New York City’s New Bike Czar

Crain’s Insider reports: "Biking advocates are cheering the city Department of Transportation’s hiring of Josh Benson as bicycle program director. He steps into a tense situation."

Update: We have a little bit more background on Benson. He served as the DOT Bike Program’s Deputy Director in the early 2000’s. Word has it, he left DOT to attend grad school. Even less reliable word has it, he got a master’s degree in planning at Columbia and spent some time working the New York City Housing Authority before being invited back to DOT to take over as Director. As always, we are trying to confirm this information and have a call in to DOT’s press office that is not being returned. If you know any more about Benson or have any educated analysis on what is now happening with DOT’s Bike Program, feel free to drop a line to StreetsBlog.


DOT Makes the Case for Bike Routes Parallel to W. Houston St.

Last Tuesday night Ryan Russo and Josh Benson from the Department of Transportation presented a plan to Manhattan’s Community Board 2 to create a safer east-west bike route across Lower Manhattan. With three cyclists having been killed on Houston Street over the last two years and major reconstruction of the street currently underway, members of […]

Got a Cycling Question for DOT? Ask Josh Benson.

Getting in on the Bike Month action, City Room has DOT bike program coordinator Josh Benson answering reader questions this week. As of this writing, over 100 comments have come in since the thread opened yesterday afternoon. While many concern the usual stuff — cars encroaching into bike lanes, problems finding secure parking, etc. — […]

Details on East Side SBS Come Into Focus at CB 8 Meeting

We’ve got a few dispatches from last week’s Manhattan Community Board 8 meeting on East Side bus and bike improvements, which we couldn’t attend ourselves. First, Michael Auerbach, who’s doing some fantastic livable streets advocacy at Upper Green Side, filed a report for Second Ave Sagas about how Select Bus Service will function alongside the […]

Take Action: Support the Prince/Bleecker Bike Route Plan

Ian Dutton and community leaders speak out at an August 30, 2006 rally for bike safety on Houston Street. This comes from Ian Dutton, a member of Manhattan’s Community Board 2 who has been fighting to improve bicyclist safety on Houston Street: Those of you who have been following the saga know that last year, […]