Critical Mass: Brooklyn

Friday, July 14, 7 pm 
Critical Mass: Brooklyn
Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn
Brooklyn side of the Williamsburg Bridge

Miss Lee wrote:

This ride which will turn two in August is becoming more and more popular every month. We were over 100 in BK last month! It starts on the second Friday at 7 pm at Grand Army Plaza.

The GAP ride is escorted by cops on scooters and on bikes with a couple of big cheeses riding in some enormous black SUVs in the back. No arrests, no hassles. We went to Brighton Beach for dinner last month! There is an alternative meeting spot on the BK side of the Williamsburg Bridge, 7pm, this one is not escorted by the police but always manages to find the GAP group at some point in the evening so it ends up being escorted. The shrieks of happiness when both rides meet are worth hearing.

Critical Mass is a monthly celebration of bicycles and other nonpolluting means of transportation, exercising our right to the road.

Critical Mass is a movement, not an organization; no two riders participate for exactly the same reason. Brooklyn Critical Mass started rolling in 2004. Second Friday of every month, 7:00 pm meeting at Grand Army Plaza. Come out and join Critical Mass in Brooklyn.

Celebrate cycling, and assert your right to the road — Brooklyn style