Sierra Club Energy Forum

Thursday, July 20, 7 to 9 pm
Sierra Club Energy Forum
Where: Mary Star of the Sea Senior Center
41 First Street between Hoyt and
RSVP at 212-791-3600 x 32
The event is free and open to the public



Senate Commerce Committee Sets the Standard For Transpo Performance

The EPW Committee passed the highway portion of the transportation bill last month. The Banking Committee will tackle transit on Friday. And today, transportation reformers applauded as the Commerce Committee passed its bill dealing with the rail and safety component, including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Deron Lovaas of NRDC said in his blog post about the […]

This Week in Livable Streets Events

The biggest event on the Streetsblog Calendar this week looks to be the Sierra Club’s weekend "Green Transportation" conference. It’s great to see the Sierra Club focusing on transportation, and hopefully livable streets advocates will not be daunted by the $50 food fee. Otherwise, this week is all about Brooklyn. Tuesday: The Future of Tillary […]

Enviros Lay Out Smart Growth Agenda For Cuomo Administration

A coalition of environmental groups has lined up behind a smart growth agenda for New York State. Released by 12 organizations, the new memo lays out how Governor Cuomo and the state legislature can help New York use scarce public dollars more efficiently and sustainably when it comes to development. The coalition’s smart growth recommendations […]