Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Michael Bloomberg

Council to Vote on Pricing Later Today [Updated]

From the Daily Politics: Multiple sources tell the DN’s City Hall bureau that the Council is going to go forward with a vote on congestion pricing this afternoon despite the fact that it has not received assurances from the state Legislature that the issue will be taken up in the Senate, and, perhaps more importantly, […]

Bloomberg: Expect Some Tweaks to Pricing Bill

This morning, the Mayor’s office praised the introduction of a congestion pricing bill in the State Assembly. At the end of the statement, Bloomberg drops a hint that the bill on the table is in for some fine-tuning: We look forward to working with the Assembly, the Senate, the Governor and the City Council to […]

Obama Endorses Pricing as “Thoughtful and Innovative”

Last month Barack Obama released details of a vaguely encouraging transportation platform, pledging investment in rail and "livable communities." Today the Democratic presidential candidate endorsed congestion pricing. In town for a speech and fundraising events, Obama was introduced at Cooper Union by Mayor Bloomberg this morning. WNYC reports: Speaking not far from Wall Street, Barack […]

NYC’s First Bus Rapid Transit Line Debuts in the Bronx

L-R: Assembly Members José Rivera and Adriano Espaillat, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, MTA CEO Lee Sander and Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrión at Fordham Plaza today Mayor Michael Bloomberg this morning unveiled details of the city’s first Bus Rapid Transit project, called "Select Bus Service," to debut on the Bx12 line, which […]

Paterson Backs Pricing, Introduces Bill in Albany

David Paterson is going to do right by his old State Senate district after all. New York’s new governor settled any doubts about his position on congestion pricing this afternoon, introducing a bill that follows the recommendations of the Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission. The Daily Politics has the scoop: "Congestion pricing addresses two urgent concerns […]