Eyes on the Most Powerful Man in New York State Gov’t

NoLandGrab is now reporting that Sheldon Silver is now expected to vote to approve Atlantic Yards today. 

The word is out, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is going to vote to APPROVE Bruce Ratner’s Atlantic Yards proposal
because Governor Pataki has allowed a stand-alone vote, not tied to
other appropriations. Also Silver feels that the financial information
provided yesterday (you know, the info that the Empire State
Development Corporation still refuses to release despite several
Freedom of Information Law requests and a subpoena) is good enough.

So much for yesterday’s theorizing that Norman Oder’s reporting stalled the project.


Did a Blogger’s Big Scoop Stall “Atlantic Yards?”

NY1 is reporting a rumor that Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver will not vote to approve Forest City Ratner’s Atlantic Yards development project at tomorrow’s three-men-in-a-room meeting of the Public Authorities Control Board. (Amazingly, this one meeting constitutes the only legislative "debate" and vote that this massive project will ever see). NY1 reports: According to a […]

A Parking Lot Grows in Brooklyn

Norman "the Human Tape Rec’oder" Oder , the hardest working advocacy journalist in New York City, has really been digging in to the important but not-particularly-sexy issue of parking policy at Forest City Enterprise’s proposed "Atlantic Yards" development in Brooklyn. In July when the project’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was issued it included a plan to […]

Critical Transportation Reforms Sink With Pricing

An enforcement camera in London captures a motorist in the bus lane. Mayor Bloomberg’s strategy was to bundle all of the PlanNYC transportation reforms requiring legislative approval into one bill. The sinking of the congestion pricing ship took other victims with it. Lost with congestion pricing was legislation approving bus lane enforcement cameras, residential parking […]

Senate Moves Toward Pricing Vote

Liz Benjamin at the Daily Politics is reporting that Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno will call a floor vote on congestion pricing today: Senators on both sides of aisle have received the heads up that the majority is preparing to call a vote on congestion pricing, despite the fact that both Senate Majority Leader Joseph […]

Silver: Fate of Pricing Decided by Monday

Liz Benjamin at the Daily Politics is reporting that Sheldon Silver will direct Assembly Democrats to take action on congestion pricing by Monday, when the window to receive $354 million in federal funds expires. However, Silver would not guarantee that pricing will reach the floor for a full vote, only that a decision will be […]

Silver Supports Transit Lockbox, Assembly Vote Likely Tonight

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver supports the transit lockbox bill, said spokesperson Mike Whyland this evening. According to Whyland, the bill will be voted out of the Rules Committee tonight and head to the floor. Whyland said that the only thing standing in the way of the Assembly passing the measure could be time constraints, as […]