Eyes on the Street: You Don’t Belong in the Bike Lane, Sir


A reader sends this photo of a huge rig using Kent Avenue’s new protected bike path as its own, highly illegal shortcut. Our tipster says the trucker was bearing down on him at a rapid clip for several blocks before slowing down enough to hear an inquiry through the window: "What do you think you’re doing?" The driver’s response was unenlightening and filled with obscenities, we’re told. This shot was taken after the confrontation.

The last time we checked in on the Kent Avenue project, which converted the street to one-way flow, truck traffic was the burning issue. The 90th and 94th precincts are supposed to keep trucks off streets where they don’t belong. From the looks of it, police need to send a stronger message.

See the head-on view of the rig after the jump.



Eyes on the Street: Bigger Sidewalks, Better Bike Lanes, Safer Streets

Clarence Eckerson sends these shots of DOT street safety improvements taken on a recent ride near the Brooklyn and Queens waterfront. Above is the newly traffic-calmed intersection of Joralemon and Hicks — part of the Downtown Brooklyn Traffic Calming Project — which now sports two sidewalk extensions. (According to the Post, a third corner was […]

Latest Kent Avenue Bike Lane Complaint: Truck Traffic

One section of the Kent Avenue two-way bike path has been painted. Two more will follow. Image: NYCDOT [PDF]. We’ve got another dispatch from the ongoing bike lane drama that is Kent Avenue. At Wednesday night’s information session hosted by Brooklyn CB1, the DOT team gave a short presentation [PDF] outlining their plan to address […]

Tonight: Support Brooklyn Greenway and Safe Cycling at Kent Ave Meeting

Come out tonight and support the city’s first two-way, on-street protected bike path. If you care about safe biking in Williamsburg and Greenpoint and you’d like to see the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway eventually reach completion, you’ll want to show up at tonight’s Brooklyn CB1 transportation meeting. The Kent Avenue bike lane is item number one […]

Kent Avenue: The Saga Continues

The Kent Avenue bike path was not the most hotly debated item at last night’s Brooklyn CB1 meeting. That distinction belongs to the rezoning plan for the area known as Broadway Triangle. But DOT’s team still encountered some skepticism from North Brooklyn residents concerned about truck traffic. The revised plan [PDF], which calls for a […]