Safe Routes to Schools: Yesterday’s Press Event

Mayor Bloomberg and a P.S. 21 student at yesterday’s Safe Routes to Schools announcement in the Bronx.

The advocacy work that helped make this event happen: Paper and Balloons Don’t Save Children’s Lives (PDF file), an article from Transportation Alternatives Magazine. And here’s a Safe Routes to Schools timeline.  


Safe Routes to Schools Study Complete

Walking to school is a healthy way for many kids to get their daily dose of exercise. Unfortunately many parents are rightfully concerned about their children’s safety on the city’s streets because of aggressive driver and lack of good pedestrian safety infrastructure. Everyday in front of many city schools you see parents dropping kids off in […]

Detailed Reports on 135 Safe Routes to School Plans

The DOT has some traffic plan porn for you today. Starting with P.S. 1 in Manhattan on Catherine Street, where they found a school bus parking on the narrow sidewalk near the school, they have detailed reports including pictures and proposed re-designs of the streets for all 135 schools included in the initial wave of Safe Routes to […]