Election Day Open Thread #2: Returns and Ruminations

blogSpan.jpgWho will rule NYC streets come 2010? Photo: City Room

Conventional wisdom has it that the races for New Jersey governor and Congressional rep in New York’s 23rd District are the hottest (or, in the case of the latter, most bizarre) Election Day 2009 tickets. Though Daily Kos has declared the contest for mayor of New York to be "pretty well predetermined," we’ll be watching the returns just the same.

Leave your late-breaking news and observations in the comments. 


Election Predictions and Returns: Discuss!

Despite the number of important races to be decided today, signs point to an abysmally low voter turnout. Like many who have reported in, when I voted at around 2:00 this afternoon there was no wait time at my polling place, Good Shepherd Church on Cooper Street in Inwood. Of course, a low turnout makes […]

Election Anxiety Open Thread

The early returns are in from Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, where Barack Obama amassed a 15-6 advantage over John McCain. Actual state results are ages away. In the meantime, if you’d like to share transpo-related hopes, worries, and analysis about today’s election with the Streetsblog community, use this space. Recommended reading: the "Niccolo Macchiavelli" comment […]

Election Night Open Thread: Rivera KOs Espada

The early returns are in, and Pedro Espada is going to have to make up some ground to retain his seat in the State Senate. Other incumbents don’t seem to be in as much jeopardy. Update: It’s official. Espada has conceded the race to challenger Gustavo Rivera. It also looks like congestion pricing antagonist and […]

Election Open Thread: How Was Your Trip to the Polls?

The gloves are off in District 10 It’s finally here: primary day, with a slew of key races to be decided before the polls close at 9:00 tonight. I’ll be going out to vote a little later, but things are already getting interesting here in Upper Manhattan. After tracking megaphone-wielding candidate caravans over the weekend, […]

Third Term for Livingstone Looks Unlikely (Updated)

London Mayor Ken Livingstone, who introduced congestion charging to the British capital in 2003, has probably been unseated by Tory challenger Boris Johnson, report Reuters and the Evening Standard. Labour lost across the board in UK elections yesterday, and the London mayor’s race appears not to have bucked the trend, although the final tally has […]