Auto-Free New York: Strategies for Reducing Car Use in Manhattan

A meeting of Auto-Free New York entitled "Strategies for Reducing Car Use in Manhattan" and featuring Megan Shane, Deputy Policy Director for Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer.

Presented by the Institute for Rational Urban Mobility.


Auto-Free New York Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, June 27, 2006, 6 to 8pm:"Residential Parking Strategies for Reducing Car Use in NYC"Special Guest: Jeffrey Otto, Citizens Housing & Planning Council Auto-Free NY has been holding FREE monthly meetings, featuring a wide variety of guest speakers, since its founding in February, 1989. Usually held in lower Manhattan, they are free, open to the […]

Teaching City Gov’t to Count More Than Just Cars and Trucks

Transportation Alternatives issued a new study by transportation consultant Bruce Schaller today called Traffic Information in NYC (PDF file). The report, according to T.A., "uncovers large gaps in what is known about traffic and transportation in New York City." "The City," says Schaller, "is not collecting the basic information necessary to redress current gridlock, much […]

DOT’s Missed Opportunity on the Manhattan Bridge

On Friday, Department of Transportation Commissioner Iris Weinshall stood up in front of 600 people at Borough President Stringer’s Transportation Policy Conference and said that her agency was serious about reducing car use in New York City. It was a great policy speech. Then on Sunday morning I flipped on the radio and heard that […]

Crain’s Asks: Should Manhattan Give Up on Bike Lanes?

This poll on the Crain’s site has been tearing through the Twitterverse rather ferociously this afternoon: I dunno. Should NYC call it quits after a few successful years of trying something new on the streets? Should the city give up on policies that are reducing injuries to pedestrians, cyclists and motorists? With bike traffic into […]