Election Day

Don’t forget to vote today.

Polls in New York City are open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Visit the New York City Board of Elections Poll Site Locator to find out where to vote.


Shining a Light on Albany’s Bus Camera Vote

A source sends along this roll call of the State Assembly transportation committee’s vote on bus-mounted enforcement cameras. The names come from the official record; whether the record accurately reflects who raised a hand and who didn’t is not certain, for reasons explained below. Note that the vote was on whether to table the bill, […]

How David Gantt Sent Bus Cameras to Defeat in Albany

After state lawmakers dealt a setback to the city's Bus Rapid Transit plans, Streetsblog looked into how Assembly transportation committee chairman David Gantt was able to bring down a bill that reportedly enjoyed majority support among his members and won approval in the New York City Council by a 40 to 7 vote.