Take Action: Tell John Liu to Support the Bicycle Access Bill

bikes_buildings_rally.jpgLast September, John Liu stood on the steps of City Hall to support bicycle access to buildings. Will he follow through on that commitment?

This email alert from Transportation Alternatives just hit our inbox. The Bicycle Access Bill (Intro 871, sponsored by David Yassky), is scheduled for a City Council committee hearing tomorrow and possibly a floor vote if it can get that far. Despite the support of the mayor and 29 co-sponsors, we’re hearing rumblings that the City Council might snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on this historic piece of legislation:

We Are Not There Yet — Bicycle Access to Buildings Bill in Jeopardy

Your voices are needed. Now! With the expected passage of the Bicycle Access to Buildings Bill slated to take place at tomorrow’s City Council meeting, we are concerned to learn that there still may be some strong opposition to the bill. Please immediately call Council Member John Liu, chair of the Transportation Committee, and let him know that you support this bill and that we need his support too!

Council Member John Liu
Chair, Transportation Committee
City Hall office: 212-788-7022
District office: 718-888-8747

Advocates have been fighting for this legislation for years. Its
passage would make it much easier for thousands of cyclists to ride
to work — boosting bike commuting by as much as 50 percent — and one last push from supporters can help put it over the top.