Ad Nauseam: Toyota’s (Passive-Aggressive) Ransom Note to America

Toyota wants you to know that it’s here for you. And not just as a car maker, as the company explains in this spot, ironically entitled "Community."

Like GM before them, Toyota wants to make sure you realize just how much their company means to you. Here’s our voice-over:

"We acknowledge you are coming to despise automobiles, but your nation depends on our industry for so many jobs that, even if we only manufactured cardboard cut-out cars that you had to carry down your few remaining walkable Main Streets, you’d still need us, America."

Accompanying the ad is the aggressively cloying and patently manipulative "Beyond Cars" web site —
which if nothing else should serve as an irresistible culture-jamming target. What do we see, Toyota? For starters, we see a world where your product doesn’t kill people.

And you? What do you see?


Ad Nauseam: Holy Rollover Risk, Batmom!!

Lexus has suspended sales of its GX 460 after Consumer Reports issued a "don’t buy" warning earlier this week. Apparently the luxury SUV’s electronic "stability control" system can fail to correct drivers taking turns too quickly, resulting in a rollover risk. Times car blog Wheels reports: Mr. Champion [Consumer Reports auto testing director] said that […]

NYC’s “Flawed” Traffic Plan Brought to You by… Toyota

Grim picture: A screenshot from the CBS Channel 2 web site. CBS’s Marcia Kramer adds some splatter paint to the Village Voice’s "grim picture of the state of civic engagement" on congestion pricing. On Tuesday, her Channel 2 special investigative feature let us know that one guy in London has foiled that city’s congestion pricing […]

Ad Nauseam: Nissan Goes Car-Free for NYC Promo

Bicycles seem to figure more prominently in Nissan’s Leaf promotion than Leafs (or Leaves, as the case may be). It looks like one car maker has figured out an intriguing way to market its product to a city audience: Just don’t show it at all. In fact, try to sell it by appealing to the […]

NYC on Alert for Motor Vehicle-Based “Noise Terrorism”

Speaking of automobile advertiser shamelessness, check out the marketing campaign that, reportedly, rolled through the Lower East Side last night at around 3:00 a.m. courtesy of Microsoft and Toyota: According to reports from residents in Lower Manhattan, a California-tagged, Zune-branded SUV rolled through Ludlow Street during the "wee hours of February 25th," but rather than […]