Transit Oriented Development in the New York Metropolitan Region

Forum panelists will discuss Transit Oriented Development (TOD) – what it is, specific initiatives in progress or completed, and the benefits and obstacles to its implementation.

Featuring Panelists:

Eric Alexander, Vision Long Island
Vivian Baker, NJ Transit
Joseph Chan, MTA
Randall Fleischer, MTA Metro-North Railroad
Larry Gould, MTA NYC Transit
Robert Lane, Regional Plan Association
Elisa Picca, MTA Long Island Rail Road
Ellyn Shannon, Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA

Sponsored by: NYU Wagner Rudin Center for Transportation & Policy Management and the Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA.


It’s Cuomo vs. Transit Experts on MTA Funding

Yesterday, Governor Andrew Cuomo called the region’s transit investment plan “bloated” and rejected calls for new revenue. Today, MTA Chairman and CEO Tom Prendergast, speaking at a forum on best practices in regional transit governance, hammered home the need for elected officials to find new money to fill the half-funded capital plan’s $15 billion gap. “This is […]

Quick Impressions of the MTA’s Sustainability Report

This afternoon the MTA released a draft of its eagerly anticipated sustainability report, which has been in the works since September 2007. The product of a "blue ribbon commission" featuring heavy hitters in the transportation world, the report reads like the MTA’s version of NYCDOT’s "Sustainable Streets" strategic plan. Much of the report deals with […]

MTA Unveils Open Data Policy, Clearing a Path for NYC Transit Apps

In a big turnaround, the MTA now touts third-party transit applications on its website. The MTA took an important step toward improving the rider experience today, announcing that the agency will open its route and schedule data to third party software developers. The policy change — a major turnaround — promises to take some of […]