Poll Watch: Red Light Cams Lauded by Crain’s Readers


This graphic comes from an online poll Crain’s put up last week, once the expansion of New York’s red light camera program seemed assured. What I couldn’t fit into the screenshot is the headline, which reads, in huge type, "Should NYC continue using ‘spy cams’ at traffic lights?"

Interesting that cameras triggered when a driver has likely broken the law — and designed to capture identifying information about vehicles, not human faces — get saddled with the "spy cam" designation (also favored by the Post). Despite the leading headline, most Crain’s readers welcome the expansion of automated enforcement to deter dangerous driving. Makes you wonder what the results would be if "safety cams" were the devices at issue.


Dangerous Drivers Declare Themselves Above the Law

Today’s Wall Street Journal reports on the extraordinary lengths that a certain breed of driver will go to in order to avoid culpability for speeding and red-light running. With the use of automated enforcement cameras on the rise, some motorists are making it abundantly clear that they see themselves as above the law: Drivers — […]

Squadron: Red Light Cams Needed at Dangerous Intersections

Dan Squadron at yesterday’s press event. Earlier this month Albany approved the expansion of New York City’s red light camera program. Media coverage tends not to play up the benefits of automated enforcement, so it was refreshing to see State Senator Dan Squadron, who represents Lower Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn, put the emphasis squarely […]

David Gantt, Longtime Foe of Red-Light Cams, Changes Tune

One of Albany’s chief foes of automated traffic enforcement appears to have softened his opposition to red-light cameras, but allegations of patronage may taint his turnaround. For years, State Assembly Member David Gantt, a Rochester Democrat, has used his position as chair of the transportation committee to block the expansion of red-light cameras in New […]

Shocker: Speed Limits Are Useless Without Enforcement

If drivers don’t acknowledge the risk of speeding, street designs and enforcement practices have to do it for them. New research from Purdue University highlights the futility of controlling drivers’ speed with signs. The Times’ health blog has the story: When it comes to speeding, many American motorists don’t worry about safety. They just worry […]