Congestion Pricing Foe Bill de Blasio (Grand)Standing Up for Straphangers

bdb.jpgTonight, the MTA will host a public hearing in Brooklyn, where the agency will undoubtedly hear from scores of residents terrified by the prospect of elimination or reduction of service on several of the borough’s bus and subway lines. The self-appointed leader of the charge will be candidate for public advocate and current City Council Member Bill de Blasio, who sent out this e-mail blast ahead of tonight’s meeting (via Gowanus Lounge):

Make Sure Your Voice is Heard. Tell the MTA these cuts and
hikes are unacceptable! Riders in this City already fund a
disproportionate amount of the transit system, and the MTA’s proposed
service cuts would prove dire for millions of working New Yorkers
Despite tough economic times, straphangers should not be forced to bail
out the MTA. Tell the MTA there is another solution to this problem –
reinstating a commuter tax could create similar revenue without placing
the entire burden on our City’s residents. Join Bill at the MTA hearing on January 28th in standing up for straphangers.

Standing up for straphangers? Is that what de Blasio was doing when he voted against congestion pricing less than a year ago? 

And de Blasio certainly knows the MTA has no control over whether or not there’s a commuter
tax, as surely as he hopes voters don’t see any connection
between today’s "unacceptable" situation and his own failure to get behind measures like congestion pricing. Even now, he can’t bring himself to come out in support of the Ravitch Commission’s recommended tolls on East River bridges.

Instead, let’s attack the MTA on the commuter tax. That’s some real leadership, Bill.


Does Cuomo Plan to Leave Straphangers Holding the Bag?

There’s been a lot of noise so far this week about toll reform and the MTA funding gap, but the people who can actually do something about it remain conspicuously silent. Chief among them: Governor Andrew Cuomo. Things kicked off on Monday with a dire warning from Robert Foran, the MTA’s chief financial officer. He told board members that […]

Public Advocate de Blasio Open to Bridge Tolls to Fund Transit

Yesterday, Public Advocate Bill de Blasio organized volunteers to campaign for student MetroCards at 20 subway stations across the city. We were encouraged by his decision to focus attention on legislators in Albany, and we had one big question: What funding solutions does the public advocate envision for the recession-battered MTA and the millions of […]

How Did Straphangers Make Out in the Cuomo-de Blasio MTA Deal?

On Saturday, Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio reached a deal to close the gap in the MTA’s five-year, $29 billion capital program, with the state pitching in $8.3 billion and the city contributing $2.5 billion. The agreement ends a drawn out political fight between the governor and the mayor. But enough about politics. How do transit […]

Doomsday Redux? MTA and Transit Riders Squeezed on All Sides

Yesterday word surfaced that the MTA will receive $200 million less from the recently enacted payroll tax than the state of New York originally projected. The news came less than a week after Albany legislators slashed $143 million from the MTA so the state can keep paying its bills. Add it up, and the agency […]